Montessori is a scientifically proven method of education that focuses on nurturing each child’s personal potential through individualized instruction
A beautiful and inviting learning environment with carefully selected, intentional materials that meet of developmental needs of young children of all learning styles
Learning is self-paced and filled with movement so that a child is joyfully and actively pursuing their own particular interests
Children are encouraged to explore, experiment, make mistakes, think critically, develop creative solutions, try again, discover, and ultimately succeed with their efforts
Children develop real life skills to become independent, responsible, and filled with self-confidence
Montessori offers hands-on, self-teaching materials so that children can satisfy their need to know and gain a strong academic foundation
A mixed-age group of children to develop broader social skills that are focused on respect, compassion, and courtesy
Montessori develops the whole personality of the child by fostering cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development within a community of children
Montessori education sets an important foundation for life during the formative years of early childhood and prepares children for the unique challenges of the twenty-first century
How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way By Tim Seldin
(an excellent introduction to Montessori and to help parents bring Montessori to their own homes)
Montessori Learning in the 21st Century by M. Shannon Helfrich
Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work by E. M. Standing